Advisory on APS Breakpoints and QR Code Links

APS breakpoints (Updated July 2022)

As a reminder of standard review practice, advertising/promotion systems (APS) such as websites, which have established breakpoints for consumption on various devices (e.g. mobile vs. desktop vs. tablet) may be submitted as iterative submissions per the new Guidance on Submission Process and Format Requirements document. The reconfiguration of the layout to address the specification of each of these devices, generally results in a change to the flow and presentation of content such as menu presentation, functionality, copy/visual flow of content etc. The cover letter should identify the parent file and ‘iterative’ elements for review. The layout files should be clearly labeled (e.g. MobileLayout_v1, DesktopLayout_V1)

QR code links

When using QR codes to link to websites, please ensure that the efile number for the mobile version of the format is submitted. The design and nature of a QR code is that it is intended to be scanned with a mobile or tablet device.

PAAB Advisory - APS breakpoints - QR Codes - July 2022 Update.pdf



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