PAAB Forum Quarterly Review April - June 2023

A review of the last quarter on the PAAB Forum: April - June 2023


  • Real World Evidence (RWE) Update: A draft of the RWE document has finished HCP consultation. Final revisions are being added to the document; once completed, the document will be sent to Health Canada for comments. As a reminder, if approved by Health Canada, there will be a three-month window to allow all companies to assess and integrate changes should they choose. Updates will be posted to the PAAB Forum thread RWE Committee Updates. Please follow for timely updates.
  • Burden of Disease Draft Guidance: PAAB is in the process of finalizing the guidance document and the addition of examples in collaboration with industry. We are hopeful for a fall launch with a one month implementation period.
  • Creative Imagery Committee: The committee has met twice and will continue to meet as we discuss the state of creative concepts and areas for improved clarity and broadening of scope. Learn more.
  • Customer Experience Index (CEI): The CEI system has been live for over 5 months. Over 1647 surveys have been sent with 291 responses received. In general, the results have been favourable and the feedback provided has been actionable. You can read more in the PAAB Tags and CEI 2023 Quarterly Review. As a reminder, CEIs expire after two weeks. Once they have expired, they will no longer be available from your dashboard. If a CEI has expired before you have the chance to complete it, please reach out to The metrics from the CEI are an important part of performance assessments and continuous improvement efforts. We strongly encourage you to fill out all of your CEIs to have your voice heard! If you have additional feedback, please reach out to Danielle Anthony via
  • Director of Client Services: PAAB is pleased to announce the promotion of Danielle Anthony to Director of Client Services.


    New Documents

  • CEI Quarterly Report
    • In this document, clients can now view the quarterly numbers for the customer experience index. This page also allows for questions at the bottom of the page. We invite continuous feedback on the process, improvements and information clients would find valuable to have.



    18 Forum questions from industry answered on topics such as:

  • Exempt corporate pieces
  • Study reprints
  • Patient website gating
  • First and only claims
  • Branded and unbranded
  • QR code on labelling
  • International conferences
  • Linking exempt to advertising
  • Brand name or generic


    Myths vs. Facts

Keep an eye out for new “Myths vs. Facts” coming later this year and make sure you’re familiar with the common ones posted now so that your company isn’t falling into the “Myths” trap. Check out PAAB Myths page today.

Let us know if there are any myths you want clarification on, or for PAAB to help dispel for the industry.


    eFiles Tag Report

  • The Q1 and Q2 PAAB Tag Report 2023 has been posted. We are encouraged by the increase in tags from Q1 to Q2. We continue to encourage clients to use the tagging system to help PAAB identify areas of improvement and areas of valued service. As a reminder, the tickets are completely confidential. We look forward to your continued feedback throughout 2023. If you want more information on the tagging system, please see Client Tagging System Advisory.
  • As a reminder: The CEI captures the overall experience with a file and the review process. It helps to impact macro processes and performance. The “tags” help us pinpoint cases where there was an event that could be assessed for learning purposes, checked for consistency or be used to implement change. This specific feedback helps us improve performance on a more granular level. 


Is there more information you would like to know and see in the next quarterly update? Let us know on the forum.  

Forum Quarterly Review Apr-June 2023.pdf



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